Aldinger Winery

Buy wines from Weingut Aldinger

Viticulture in the Aldinger family dates back to 1492. Exactly 500 years later, Gert Aldinger took over the business and laid the foundations for an impressive success story.
Back then, at the beginning of the 1990s, the wine world in Germany still looked very different. At best, a few wineries from the Moselle were recognised internationally, and viticulture as a whole was characterised by quantity rather than quality. Müller-Thurgau was very popular and in Württemberg it was mainly Trollinger, a mass-produced wine that was often heated to high temperatures during fermentation and was nothing more than a cloudy broth in the glass. Gert Aldinger has changed that. Although he kept some of the typical Württemberg grape varieties in his vineyards near Fellbach, he also favoured international varieties such as Cabernet, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot. This was accompanied by a significant yield restriction and the use of the best French barriques in the cellar.

Today, Matthias Aldinger manages the VDP winery and has led it to the top German class. His wines are unmistakable, from the base to the Grosses Gewächs. His sparkling wines are among the best in the country, while the Erste and Grosse Gewächse wines made from Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir or Lemberger benefit from the excellent terroir of sites such as the Untertürkheimer Gips or Fellbacher Lämmler. There are also style-defining wines. For example, the Trollinger „Sine“, which has raised the grape variety to a new level, or the Trollinger „1G“, which is one of the best, but also most expensive rosé wines in the country. With the „GJA Reserve“, Aldinger offers one of the best Bordeaux cuvées outside Bordeaux.
© Photos: Winery Aldinger